Parallelised R Analysis
This lesson is adapted from a workshop introducing users to running R scripts on ARCHER2 as developed by Adrian Jackson.
In this exercise we are going to try different methods of parallelising R on the SDF. This will include single node parallelisation functionality (e.g. using threads or processes to use cores within a single node), and distributed memory functionality that enables the parallelisation of R programs across multiple nodes.
Example parallelised R code
You may need to activate an R conda environment.
conda activate r-v4.2
Try running the following R script using R on the SDF login node:
n <- 8*2048
A <- matrix( rnorm(n*n), ncol=n, nrow=n )
B <- matrix( rnorm(n*n), ncol=n, nrow=n )
C <- A %*% B
You can run this as follows on the SDF (assuming you have saved the above code into a file named matrix.R):
Rscript ./matrix.R
You can check the resources used by R when running on the login node using this command:
top -u $USER
If you run the R script in the background using &, as follows, you can then monitor your run using the top command. You may notice when you run your program that at points R uses many more resources than a single core can provide, as demonstrated below:
178357 adrianj 20 0 15.542 0.014t 13064 R 10862 2.773 9:01.66 R
In the example above it can be seen that >10862% of a single core is being used by R. This is an example of R using automatic parallelisation. You can experiment with controlling the automatic parallelisation using the OMP_NUM_THREADS variable to restrict the number of cores available to R. Try using the following values:
You may also notice that not all the R script is parallelised. Only the actual matrix multiplication is undertaken in parallel, the initialisation/creation of the matrices is done in serial.
Parallelisation with data.tables
We can also experiment with the implicit parallelism in other libraries, such as data.table. You will first need to install this library on the SDF. To do this you can simply run the following command:
Once you have installed data.table you can experiment with the following code:
venue_data <- data.table( ID = 1:50000000,
Capacity = sample(100:1000, size = 50000000, replace = T), Code = sample(LETTERS, 50000000, replace = T),
Country = rep(c("England","Scotland","Wales","NorthernIreland"), 50000000))
system.time(venue_data[, mean(Capacity), by = Country])
This creates some random data in a large data table and then performs a calculation on it. Try running R with varying numbers of threads to see what impact that has on performance. Remember, you can vary the number of threads R uses by setting OMP_NUM_THREADS= before you run R. If you want to try easily varying the number of threads you can save the above code into a script and run it using Rscript, changing OMP_NUM_THREADS each time you run it, e.g.:
Rscript ./data_table_test.R
Rscript ./data_table_test.R
The elapsed time that is printed out when the calculation is run represents how long the script/program took to run. It’s important to bear in mind that, as with the matrix multiplication exercise, not everything will be parallelised. Creating the data table is done in serial so does not benefit from the addition of more threads.
Loop and function parallelism
R provides a number of different functions to run loops or functions in parallel. One of the most common functions is to use are the {X}apply
Apply a function over a matrix or data frame -
Apply a function over a list, vector, or data frame -
Same aslapply
but returns a vector -
Same assapply
but with a specified return type that improves safety and can improve speed
For example:
res <- lapply(1:3, function(i) {
The {X}apply
functionality supports iteration over a dataset without requiring a loop to be constructed. However, the functions outlined above do not exploit parallelism, even if there is potential for parallelisation many operations that utilise them.
There are a number of mechanisms that can be used to implement parallelism using the {X}apply
functions. One of the simplest is using the parallel
library, and the mclapply
res <- mclapply(1:3, function(i) {
Try experimenting with the above functions on large numbers of iterations, both with lapply and mclapply. Can you achieve better performance using the MC_CORES environment variable to specify how many parallel processes R uses to complete these calculations? The default on the SDF is 2 cores, but you can increase this in the same way we did for OMP_NUM_THREADS, e.g.:
export MC_CORES=16
Try different numbers of iterations of the functions (e.g. change 1:3 in the code to something much larger), and different numbers of parallel processes, e.g.:
export MC_CORES=2
export MC_CORES=8
export MC_CORES=16
If you have separate functions then the above approach will provide a simple method for parallelising using the resources within a single node. However, if your functionality is more loop-based, then you may not wish to have to package this up into separate functions to parallelise.
Parallelisation with foreach
The foreach
package can be used to parallelise loops as well as functions. Consider a loop of the following form:
main_list <- c()
for (i in 1:3) {
main_list <- c(main_list, sqrt(i))
This can be converted to foreach
functionality as follows:
main_list <- c()
foreach(i=1:3) %do% {
main_list <- c(main_list, sqrt(i))
Whilst this approach does not significantly change the performance or functionality of the code, it does let us then exploit parallel functionality in foreach. The %do%
can be replaced with a %dopar%
which will execute the code in parallel.
To test this out we’re going to try an example using the randomForest
We can now run the following code in R:
x <- matrix(runif(50000), 1000)
y <- gl(2, 500)
rf <- foreach(ntree=rep(250, 4), .combine=combine) %do%
randomForest(x, y, ntree=ntree)
Implement the above code and run with a system.time
to see how long it takes. Once you have done this you can change the %do%
to a %dopar%
and re-run. Does this provide any performance benefits?
Parallelisation with doParallel
To exploit the parallelism with dopar
we need to provide parallel execution functionality and configure it to use extra cores on the system. One method to do this is using the doParallel
Does this now improve performance when running the randomForest
Experiment with different numbers of workers by changing the number set in registerDoParallel(8)
to see what kind of performance you can get.
Note, you may also need to change the number of clusters used in the foreach, e.g. what is specified in the rep(250, 4)
part of the code, to enable more than 4 different sets to be run at once if using more than 4 workers.
The amount of parallel workers you can use is dependent on the hardware you have access to, the number of workers you specify when you setup your parallel backend, and the amount of chunks of work you have to distribute with your foreach configuration.
Cluster parallelism
It is possible to use different parallel backends for foreach
. The one we have used in the example above creates new worker processes to provide the parallelism, but you can also use larger numbers of workers through a parallel cluster, e.g.:
my.cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(8)
registerDoParallel(cl = my.cluster)
By default makeCluster
creates a socket cluster, where each worker is a new independent process. This can enable running the same R program across a range of systems, as it works on Linux and Windows (and other clients). However, you can also fork the existing R process to create your new workers, e.g.:
cl <-makeCluster(5, type="FORK")
This saves you from having to create the variables or objects that were setup in the R program/script prior to the creation of the cluster, as they are automatically copied to the workers when using this forking mode. However, it is limited to Linux style systems and cannot scale beyond a single node.
Once you have finished using a parallel cluster you should shut it down to free up computational resources, using stopCluster
, e.g.:
When using clusters without the forking approach, you need to distribute objects and variables from the main process to the workers using the clusterExport
function, e.g.:
variableA <- 10
variableB <- 20
mySum <- function(x) variableA + variableB + x
cl <- makeCluster(4)
res <- try(parSapply(cl=cl, 1:40, mySum))
The program above will fail because variableA
and variableB
are not present on the cluster workers. Try the above on the SDF and see what result you get.
To fix this issue you can modify the program using clusterExport
to send variableA
and variableB
to the workers, prior to running the parSapply
clusterExport(cl=cl, c('variableA', 'variableB'))