Parallelised Python analysis with Dask
This lesson is adapted from a workshop introducing users to running python scripts on ARCHER2 as developed by Adrian Jackson.
Python does not have native support for parallelisation. Python contains a Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) which means the python interpreter only allows one thread to execute at a time. The advantage of the GIL is that C libraries can be easily integrated into Python scripts without checking if they are thread-safe. However, this means that most common python modules cannot be easily parallelised. Fortunately, there are now several re-implementations of common python modules that work around the GIL and are therefore parallelisable. Dask is a python module that contains a parallelised version of the pandas data frame as well as a general format for parallelising any python code.
Dask enables thread-safe parallelised python execution by creating task graphs (a graph of the dependencies of the inputs and outputs of each function) and then deducing which ones can be run separately. This lesson introduces some general concepts required for programming using Dask. There are also some exercises with example answers to help you write your first parallelised python scripts.
Arrays, data frames and bags
Dask contains three data objects to enable parallelised analysis of large data sets in a way familiar to most python programmers. If the same operations are being applied to a large data set then Dask can split up the data set and apply the operations in parallel. The three data objects that Dask can easily split up are:
Arrays: Contains large numbers of elements in multiple dimensions, but each element must be of the same type. Each element has a unique index that allows users to specify changes to individual elements.
Data frames: Contains large numbers of elements which are typically highly structured with multiple object types allowed together. Each element has a unique index that allows users to specify changes to individual elements.
Bags: Contains large numbers of elements which are semi/un-structured. Elements are immutable once inside the bag. Bags are useful for conducting initial analysis/wrangling of raw data before more complex analysis is performed.
Example Dask array
You may need to install dask or create a new conda environment with it in.
conda create -n dask-env gcc_linux-64=11.2.0 python=3.11.3 dask
conda activate dask-env
Try running the following Python using dask:
import dask.array as da
x = da.random.random((10000, 10000), chunks=(1000, 1000))
This should demonstrate that dask is both straightforward to implement simple parallelism, but also lazy in that it does not compute anything until you force it to with the .compute() function.
You can also try out dask DataFrames, using the following code:
import dask.dataframe as dd
df = dd.read_csv('surveys.csv')
You can try using different blocksizes when reading in the csv file, and then undertaking an operation on the data, as follows: Experiment with varying blocksizes, although you should be aware that making your block size too small is likely to cause poor performance (the blocksize affects the number of bytes read in at each operation).
df = dd.read_csv('surveys.csv', blocksize="10000")
You can also experiment with Dask Bags to see how that functionality works:
import dask.bag as db
from operator import add
b = db.from_sequence([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], npartitions=2)
Dask Delayed
Dask delayed lets you construct your own task graphs/parallelism from Python functions. You can find out more about dask delayed from the dask documentation Try parallelising the code below using the .delayed function or the @delayed decorator, an example answer can be found here.
def inc(x):
return x + 1
def double(x):
return x * 2
def add(x, y):
return x + y
data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
output = []
for x in data:
a = inc(x)
b = double(x)
c = add(a, b)
total = sum(output)
Mandelbrot Exercise
The code below calculates the members of a Mandelbrot set using Python functions:
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def mandelbrot(h, w, maxit=20, r=2):
"""Returns an image of the Mandelbrot fractal of size (h,w)."""
start = time.time()
x = np.linspace(-2.5, 1.5, 4*h+1)
y = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 3*w+1)
A, B = np.meshgrid(x, y)
C = A + B*1j
z = np.zeros_like(C)
divtime = maxit + np.zeros(z.shape, dtype=int)
for i in range(maxit):
z = z**2 + C
diverge = abs(z) > r # who is diverging
div_now = diverge & (divtime == maxit) # who is diverging now
divtime[div_now] = i # note when
z[diverge] = r # avoid diverging too much
end = time.time()
return divtime, end-start
h = 2000
w = 2000
mandelbrot_space, time = mandelbrot(h, w)
Your task is to parallelise this code using Dask Array functionality. Using the base python code above, extend it with Dask Array for the main arrays in the computation. Remember you need to specify a chunk size with Dask Arrays, and you will also need to call compute at some point to force Dask to actually undertake the computation. Note, depending on where you run this you may not see any actual speed up of the computation. You need access to extra resources (compute cores) for the calculation to go faster. If in doubt, submit a python script of your solution to the SDF compute nodes to see if you see speed up there. If you are struggling with this parallelisation exercise, there is a solution available for you here.
Pi Exercise
The code below calculates Pi using a function that can split it up into chunks and calculate each chunk separately. Currently it uses a single chunk to produce the final value of Pi, but that can be changed by calling pi_chunk multiple times with different inputs. This is not necessarily the most efficient method for calculating Pi in serial, but it does enable parallelisation of the calculation of Pi using multiple copies of pi_chunk called simultaneously.
import time
import sys
# Calculate pi in chunks
# n - total number of steps to be undertaken across all chunks
# lower - the lowest number of this chunk
# upper - the upper limit of this chunk such that i < upper
def pi_chunk(n, lower, upper):
step = 1.0 / n
p = step * sum(4.0/(1.0 + ((i + 0.5) * (i + 0.5) * step * step)) for i in range(lower, upper))
return p
# Number of slices
num_steps = 10000000
print("Calculating PI using:\n " + str(num_steps) + " slices")
start = time.time()
# Calculate using a single chunk containing all steps
p = pi_chunk(num_steps, 1, num_steps)
stop = time.time()
print("Obtained value of Pi: " + str(p))
print("Time taken: " + str(stop - start) + " seconds")
For this exercise, your task is to implemented the above code on the SDF, and then parallelise using Dask. There are a number of different ways you could parallelise this using Dask, but we suggest using the Futures map functionality to run the pi_chunk function on a range of different inputs. Futures map has the following definition:, *iterables[, key, workers, ...])
Where func is the function you want to run, and then the subsequent arguments are inputs to that function. To utilise this for the Pi calculation, you will first need to setup and configure a Dask Client to use, and also create and populate lists or vectors of inputs to be passed to the pi_chunk function for each function run that Dask launches.
If you run Dask with processes then it is possible that you will get errors about forking processes, such as these:
An attempt has been made to start a new process before the current process has finished its bootstrapping phase.
This probably means that you are not using fork to start your child processes and you have forgotten to use the proper idiom in the main module:
In that case you need to encapsulate your code within a main function, using something like this:
if __name__ == "__main__":
If you are struggling with this exercise then there is a solution available for you here.
More information on parallelised python code can be found in the carpentries lesson
Dask itself has several detailed tutorials